Dali Zensor 5
Alkuperäinen hinta
1 117,80 €
890,68 €
1 118,70 €
891,39 €
/ kpl
Alkuperäinen hinta
1 234,00 €
983,27 €
1 243,00 €
990,44 €
/ kpl
Toissijainen yksikköhinta
/ pkt
The ZENSOR 5 front baffle features the exclusive ZENSOR high-gloss lacquered finish, while high-grade vinyl adds an inviting and smooth look to the cabinet made of medium density fibreboard, incorporating soundproof material and internal bracings.
The ZENSOR 5 front baffle features the exclusive ZENSOR high-gloss lacquered finish, while high-grade vinyl adds an inviting and smooth look to the cabinet made of medium density fibreboard, incorporating soundproof material and internal bracings. http://www.viidakko.fi
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